If You Want to Worship Someone, I Recommend Van Morrison
Don't wanna discuss it
Think it's time for a change
You may get disgusted
Start thinking that I'm strange
In that case, I'll go underground
Get some heavy rest
And never have to worry
About what is worst
Or what is best
I really don't want to discuss it, but if it's waking me up at 5:00 a.m., then apparently I have something to say. That chicken sandwich maker got everyone all riled up with what a Madison Avenue advertising agent might have dreamt up and the media fed right into it. Sure, one is free to run one's business any way he sees fit, within the law. See http://www.owldolatrous.com/?p=288 for a cohesive statement on that.
However, religion-based politics have no place in the rational world. Here is what I believe:
I think the bible, the koran, and all other religious texts people bandy about in the name of morality were simply created by ancient politicos charged with controlling the masses, or, quite often, controlling women. All religion, modern or otherwise, is based in the same fear that created Athena, Zeus, Apollo, and Thor. It's just more mythology. Not only was Jesus just another Roman god, it's likely he was simply a metaphor. A metaphor that spoke in metaphors.
Not trusting the general population to act morally, or understand that in ancient times it could be deadly to eat certain foods, the people in charge deemed many activities against their god's will. It was a solution brainstormed in an old-timey conference room; a problem solved.
So, when you try to tell me I am less than, or you are more than, based on your religious views, I think you are being ridiculous, not to mention irrational.
As free as you are to think and feel and act and run your business the way you do, your argument has no legs and I have no time for it; especially if you are trying to get elected based on all those myths.
Because the bible told you so is not a valid reason to do anything. To me, it's the same as saying because the Twilight Saga told me so.
So much more evil than good has been done in the name of religion that it's no longer trustworthy. And psychiatrists and war profiteers have been reaping the benefits ever since.
Where I put my penis, and what I do with other consenting adults' genitalia is my business. The gender of who I might choose to marry has no more bearing on your marriage than the color of their eyes. Not that I would ever consider marriage again.
And if you want me to vote to put you in charge of solving problems, local, national, or world, do not tell me your first response to a tragedy is to talk to your imaginary friend up on high.
Thank you.