When you think you've found Mr. Right, make sure his first name isn't Always.
Reality has a well-known liberal bias. ~ Stephen Colbert
I hope one day He shows us how we can love those who never will love us; but who still we must love. ~ Susan Werner
The 2.2 Trillion spent on the Iraq war could have built enough renewable energy to meet all our energy needs. ~ Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz
So I'll always know where it is. ~ Marjorie "Maude" Chardin
So I rushed past the pretty girls, and the prettiest girls in the world live in Des Moines. ~ Jack Kerouac
It's always better to be looked over than overlooked. ~ Fern Trailerbaker
The only proof I need for the existence of God is music. ~ Kurt Vonnegut
If there is a god, he should have put the clitoris somewhere inside the vagina.
If there really is a God who created the entire universe with all of its glories, and He decides to deliver a message to humanity, He will not use, as His messenger, a person on cable TV with a bad hairstyle. ~Dave Barry
War is stupid. ~George O'dowd
And so I'll fill this bedroom full of mystery; hang our lost conclusions on the wall. And if this empty building starts to get to me; please remember that it just might be your fault. ~Eurythmics
Diplomacy is the art of letting someone have your way. ~ Fortune Cookie ~
The people who read tabloids deserve to be lied to. ~ J Seinfeld ~
No great genius ever existed without some touch of madness. ~ Seneca ~
Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I said nothing. ~ Robert Benchley ~
When life gives you lemons, make margaritas.
Only break one law at a time. ~ Burl Jones ~
Procrastination is part of the process.
Irony is the hygiene of the mind. ~ Elizabeth Bibesco ~
There are few sorrows in which a good income is of no avail. ~ Logan Pearsall Smith ~
People take different roads seeking fulfillment & happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. ~ H. Jackson Browne ~
You do not go to war when it is one of the options but when it is the only option; you go not because you want to but because you have to. ~ E. L. Doctorow ~
Unless the enemy has studied Agrippa; which I have. ~ Inigo Montoya ~
Don't bite the hand that brings you to orgasm. ~ Joy Behar ~
And when we meet, which I'm sure we will, all that was there will be there still. I'll let it pass, and hold my tongue, and you will think that I've moved on. ~Dido~
"The Libra husband is not an easy man to please. The monotony of domesticity is not to his liking, but he is a passionate man, and a respecter of tradition. The Libra husband is reasonable. He is a born judge, and no other zodiacal type can order his life with so much wisdom. God! That's all I need: order! That's all I need: an ordered life. You know, a manager. But he's *got* to be a Libran."
"I was sayin' just this morning at the weekly prayer breakfast, in this historic capital, that it behooves both the Jews and the Arabs to settle their differences in a Christian manner."