So I want to play an obscure Culture Club song the other day that was only released on vinyl. Previously, I had been playing the four-album
Superstars of the Seventies box-set I've had since elementary school and all sounded great. However, The Boy sounded like Bea Arthur on quaaludes. I fiddled with things over the course of a few days but could not get the turntable to behave. So, over my lunch hour yesterday I run home, unhook the turntable (no small feat since the cords run through a hole that's actually smaller than their plugs), and run it up to the very patient Lou at Audio Labs.

He fiddles with it for awhile and we make arrangements for me to pick it up after work. He doesn't find anything and we're both perplexed. We finally conclude that whatever was causing the trouble must've cured itself in the jarring ride there. Stranger things
have happened after all. Not bright enough to try a different album, when I get home and get everything rehooked up, I stick George back on; still spinning at the wrong speed. I finally have presence of mind to read the album label. I'm sure I knew 20 years ago when I bought it that it was a 12-inch single meant to be played at 45 RPM;
not 33 RPM. DOH!