Further Evidence that I am a Genius

The hill behind my house seems to prevent any cooling cross breeze from entering my house no matter how many windows are open. Consequently, my bathroom is growing mold stalagtites from the ceiling, and cool summer evenings stubbornly refuse to come inside.
In an attempt to cure this situation, I was very butch all last week sawing holes in ceiling drywall, crawling around the attic and swimming through insulation to install a whole-house fan in the kitchen and an exhaust fan/light combo in the bathroom. I managed to do the entire whole-house fan installation without turning off the circuit breaker. Impressive, no?
Anyway, once I had the bathroom unit installed (I had to have Cole trip the circuit breaker for this project after the beautiful shower of sparks gave me a coronary.), the light fixture refused to work. On Monday I called Broan's customer service line. The guy who answered (yawning as though my call woke him) said it sounded like I had missed the fourth white wire for the ballast. Only remembering three white wires, I thanked him and hung up. Once I got off work, I swam through the insulation again seeking the elusive fourth white wire. Well, it was nowhere to be found from above in the attic, or below in the bathroom. After much staring and concentration from both the top and the bottom, I realized that the fourth wire existed on the bottom of the wiring harness, but was completely missing on the business end in the attic. Three quick snips from below and two screw on connectors later, I was able to pigtail everything together and shed some light on the subject.
All the new light makes my bathroom look filthy. At least with the new fan, once the mold is gone it shouldn't return.
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